How do we become regularly perfect at something?

Manuel Joseph K. Sanchez
1 min readJun 13, 2022
Siniz Kim

We must be consistently perfect in the things we are practicing. In doing this, you can expect to be perfect. Do not think lightly that practice will lead to perfection so easily.

On face value, people think that practicing, and being able to have a few successful tries, will make you good already. That is wrong.

The piano book (called Piano course A — The red book: Leading to mastery of the instrument) by John W. Schaum talked about a pupil curiously asking how to play a piece perfectly with no mistake. This pupil was astounded by the other pupils who are able to play flawlessly. He was questioning himself how he could attain this. He thought he could achieve this mastery by doing it right once.

Schaum explains that being correct over and over in your practice sessions will lead to mastery. We must rigorously be able to do it right every time. It’s to the point that you can close your eyes and remember the spacial intervals of each the 88 piano keys.

Have consistent and perfect practice sessions. Keep working on the parts that are hard. When the thing we are doing is hard, that ensures that you are actually learning.



Manuel Joseph K. Sanchez

I am a writer for the Wireless Bidet Publication, mainly writing about business, human nature, and the human condition.